Minnesota Vehicle Registration Renewal

The front end of a vintage car

Minnesota vehicle registration expires yearly and must be renewed to continue driving legally. The renewal process is handled through Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services. You may check your registration’s expiration on the tab or wait until you receive a renewal notice.

You’re expected to complete a registration renewal by the 10th of the month after expiration. Check the status of your tabs if you did not receive a renewal notice.

You can renew your vehicle’s registration:

  • In-person
  • Online
  • By Mail

Want to make this process hassle-free and quick? Follow the sections below.

Minnesota Registration Renewal: Step-by-Step

Minnesota has only one requirement before renewing: auto insurance.

You must have at least minimum auto insurance to drive in the state legally. Gather your insurance policy or apply for insurance before taking the following steps.

Renewing Online

Online renewal is available for your typical, standard passenger vehicles. These vehicles include your cars, pickup trucks under 1 ton, and SUVs). Other vehicles outside these classes must be renewed at a local deputy registrar or by mail.

You may not renew through the online portal if changing your name.

Do the following if you’ve met the requirements:

  1. Visit the MDVS renewal portal
  2. File your information:
    1. License plate number
    2. VIN (last 3-digits)
  3. Pay your renewal and processing fee(s)

Complete these steps, and you’ll receive your documents and sticker in the mail.

Renewing In-Person

Rather handle your business face-to-face?

  1. Find and visit an MN DMV/Deputy Registrar
  2. Provide your information:
    1. Renewal notice
    2. Insurance policy
  3. Pay your renewal fee(s)

You’ll receive your documents and sticker on the spot.

Renewing by Mail

Mail-in renewal is available if noted on your renewal notice.

To do this:

  1. Verify your information is correct
  2. Write a check or money order
    1. To: DVS Renewal
    2. Include: Driver’s License Number
  3. Tear the return section of the form
  4. Send the documents with the enclosed envelope

Send your documents and payment to:

DVS Renewal

P.O. Box 64587

St. Paul, MN 55164

You should receive your documents and sticker within 10 days of processing.

Minnesota Registration Fees and Taxes

How much does it cost to renew your registration in Minnesota?

  • Filing Fee: $6
  • Wheelage: $10

Refer to the 2018 Tax Manual for a complete list of taxes and fees you may pay when processing.

Congratulations, You’re Done!

You’ve completed your MN vehicle registration renewal.

Note the expiration date on your forms and plan to redo this process annually. Forgoing the renewal could cause fines and additional penalties. Likewise, drive safe whenever you’re on the road and don’t forget to carry insurance!