New Hampshire Registration Renewal

The New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) oversees your vehicle’s registration renewal. You must complete a renewal before the registration expires to continue (legally) driving. Failing to renew your registration can result in penalties, including fines and occurrences like a license suspension or revocation.

New Hampshire Renewal Notice

You’ll receive a renewal notice before your vehicle’s expiration. The notice shares information about your renewal options and the due date. If you haven’t received the notice, contact your local DMV and request this information or bring your current registration to your local DMV.

You will visit an NH DMV to renew your vehicle’s registration. Some out-of-state and military members may renew by mail if they meet requirements and exceptions. You may check the status of your license by requesting driver records to see if there are any issues with your vehicle.

Given you don’t have restrictions on your license, follow along to complete the renewal process.

New Hampshire Car or Truck Registration Renewal: Step-by-Step

To renew your vehicle’s registration in New Hampshire, you’ll need to take a trip down to your local NH DMV. You’ll submit your personal and vehicle information, pay fees, and be on your way.

If you’ve lost your tags sometime between the renewal, you can have it replaced. See our duplicate title guide for more information about this process if it’s required for your renewal. You will also want minimum auto insurance when legally renewing to drive on state roads.

Renewing In-Person

  1. Present your NH driver’s license
  2. Provide your registration notice or current registration
  3. Show proof of vehicle inspection (if applicable)
  4. Pay the registration renewal fees (listed on the notice)
    1. Varies by county
    2. Includes town/city fees

The clerk will process your information and complete the transaction. Congratulations, you’ve renewed your vehicle’s registration – you’re good to drive on state roads and highways.

Renewing by Mail

Mail-in renewals are reserved for:

  • Out-of-state residents
  • Military members

The process is about the same as doing the renewal in person. You may renew by mail up to 4 months in advance – giving you a good option if you know when you’re leaving or have a deployment. You may also apply for a temporary inspection permit (valid for 30 days) by faxing a written request to the DMV.

You will send the following to the NH city clerk:

  • Vehicle registration or registration notice
  • Payment for your registration renewal

The state will process your information and send the new items to the mailing address you have on file.

New Hampshire Vehicle Safety Testing

An emissions test is required annually and must be done no later than ten days after your birth month. The inspection costs $20 – $50 and covers a complete inspection of your vehicle, front to back. You’ll complete this at a local safety inspection station.

Congratulations, You’re Done!

You’ve completed the New Hampshire vehicle registration renewal.

Keep track of your expiration date by writing it on your calendar. Otherwise, note the next time a renewal notice comes your way sometime next year. Forgoing renewal can land you in trouble with fines and penalties, so don’t let this lapse – happy driving!