Pennsylvania Suspended License: A Reinstatement Guide

Driving in Pennsylvania with a suspended license is a serious, criminal offense.
Don’t do it!
Those caught may face extended suspension times and/or revoked licensing. Repeated offenses carry criminal charges and harsh fines. A revoked license will require you to satisfy any requirements before reinstatement.
PA typically decides on two suspension types:
- Indefinite
- Definite
This post shares why you may get a suspended or revoked license. Plus, what you can do to reinstate your driving privileges in the state of Pennsylvania?
My License is Suspended, Now What?
It’s recommended you avoid driving with a suspended or revoked license. You will need to wait for the duration of the suspension/revocation and pay fines before a license is reinstated or you can re-apply.
The PA DMV will alert and explain the type/length of your license suspension with a definite or indefinite suspension order – sharing:
- Judgment overview
- Length of suspension
- Start/end date
- Fines and fees
Check your restoration requirements on PennDOT’s Online Services Center.
Why Your License (Probably) Got Suspended
There are many reasons for suspension and revocation – including:
- Suspensions
- Traffic tickets
- Alcohol/drug violations
- Refusal to complete a blood alcohol concentration test
- Reckless Driving
- No liability insurance
- Revocation
- Unpaid PA State tax debts
- Road test failure & chemical test refusal
- No liability insurance
The length of your license suspension depends on your actions. Plus, if these instances were a repeat offense – or previously convicted of a criminal offense. It’s best to talk with a legal counsel to understand your rights.
You may appeal a non-criminal violation to the Traffic Violations Bureau. Else, refer to the Plead to or Pay TVB tickets page for serious incidents. You may repeal your TVB hearing decision within 30 days. Some may receive a conditional or restricted license giving limited driving privileges for special cases.
Reinstating a Suspended License in Pennsylvania
Drivers with a definite license suspension may appeal to the PA DMV given their offense did not include a major offense. Criminal penalties will likely still apply.
You will likely pay a suspension termination fee with most suspensions.
Reinstating a suspended license may include doing the following:
- Surrender the suspended license to PennDOT
- Wait out the revocation/suspension period
- Submit proof of insurance
- Plead or pay traffic violation tickets
- Pay and catch up on child support payments
- Pay mandatory files and jail time for DUI
- Satisfy specified court requirements
- Re-apply for a new Driver’s License
You will also need to pay any additional fines and fees associated with the suspension.
What you’ll do when reinstating a license:
- Visit the PA DMV website
- File your information
- License Number
- DoB
- Pay any necessary fees including:
- Suspension fee: depends on your reason for the suspension
- Civil Penalties
- Tickets & Fines
You will include the same items when processing through the mail or in person, however, you must pay by check or money order.
Probationary Licenses
Those with a license suspended for 5 years or longer may be eligible for a probationary license. Probationary licenses allow you to drive between 6 am and 7 pm. The fee for a probationary license is $88.75 and $63.75 for subsequent renewals. You must complete a Probationary License Petition (DL-20) and mail it to the address on the form with a check or money order.