Wisconsin DMV Point System: What is It? How does it Work?

Pennsylvania Drivers License
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) uses points to determine how many tickets you get. The system is known as the Wisconsin DMV Point System. When you accumulate 12 points or more in a year, your Wisconsin driver’s license gets suspended. Repeated offenders will have their license either revoke or cancel. Also, you may need to take drug or alcohol courses to reinstate your license.

Wisconsin DMV Point System

Various traffic violations will add points to your Wisconsin driving records. Common violations will add the least number of points while the most severe will add a more significant amount. Once you have points on your record, the points can be there for a long time. You can remove some points but only the ones from lesser offenses.

Here are some traffic infractions and the points each carries:

Two Points Violations

  • Obstructing traffic
  • Driving too slow
  • Defective speedometer

Three Points Violations

  • Making an illegal turn
  • Tailgating
  • Not using your turn signal
  • Driving without a valid driver’s license
  • Driving up to 10 mph over the speed limit

Four Points Violations

  • Speeding 10 to 20 mph over the speed limit
  • Failure to yield to emergency vehicles
  • Driving too fast during severe weather conditions
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road

Six Points Violations

  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Reckless driving
  • Attempting to elude the police
  • Speeding 20 mph or more over the speed limit
  • Failing to stop at a railroad crossing

DMV Point System & License Suspension

Wisconsin DMV Point System determines when a suspension, revocation, or cancelation occurs with a Wisconsin driver’s license. Points earned in a short time can jeopardize your driving privileges. The types of offenses will get an automatic suspension, revocation, or cancelation of your license.

The number of points you accumulate will determine the length of time your driver’s license suspension. Here is a better understanding of points earn and the suspension time:

Probationary License or Instructional Permit

  • 12 – 30 points: 6 months
  • More than 30 points: 1 year

Wisconsin Driver’s License or Commercial Driver’s License

  • 12 – 16 points: 2 months
  • 17 – 22 points: 4 months
  • 23 – 30 points: 6 months
  • More than 30 points: 1 year

Removing Points from your Wisconsin Driving Records

The Wisconsin DMV Point System not only track the points you receive after getting a ticket but also keep the points for five years. The points are the ones obtained from minor infractions. Points from the more severe violations like DWI will stay for 55 years.

So, to remove points, you must complete any requirements set forth by the court and the Wisconsin DMV. Usually, completing traffic safety courses will remove points. However, you can only remove points every three years and three points at a time. The traffic safety courses will also help to lift a license suspension. The classes you take must get approval from the court.