How to Request Your Florida Driving Records
Your Florida driving record is important for many reasons. You will have a better understanding when you start looking for a job that requires a copy of your driving record as a requirement. Also, when you want to bargain for the best insurance available on the market, your driving record is of most importance. Or, when you must pay additional charges or surcharges because of the tickets you receive due to the driving violations you had in the past. So, here is a better understanding of your Florida driving records and how to get a copy.
Where to get your Florida Driving Record
To get a copy of your Florida driving records, you must contact the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). You can apply by mail or online for a copy.
During the application process, you will have two options to obtain your driving records. Online, you may have access to view only or to print a certified copy. The same options are available if you request it by mail. The cost varies for the different choices.
Types of Florida Driving Records
When you request your Florida driving records from the DHSMV, you may request a:
- Three year record
- Seven year record
- Your complete driver record
- Or, certified driving record
The driving record will provide your driving history for the said years. You can verify your personal information like your name and address in case the information is not correct. You will also see any violations that were committed and how many points are on your record.
Florida Three Year Driving Record
A three year driving record will provide information for the last three years of the driver. The content will consist of:
- The time the license was applied for and issued
- Any guilty depositions (if violations were committed) and the points award because of the violations for the past three years
- The driver license suspension, cancelation, or revoke within the last three years
- Any suspension in regards for failure to pay a traffic ticket
Florida Seven Year Driving Record
- The time the license was applied for and issued
- Any guilty depositions (if violations were committed) and the points award because of the violations for the past seven years
- The driver license suspension, cancelation, or revoke within the last seven years
- Any suspension in regards for failure to pay a traffic ticket
A Complete Florida Driver Record
A complete driver record will contain a more detail report. It will have the information from a three or seven year record and more pertaining to adjudications and accidents. The more detailed record will have:
Florida Certified Driving Record
A certified copy is used by employers or anyone that request it. It is considered an official copy. The Florida DHSMV offers certified copies in all four options. To order a copy by mail, you can write to:
Bureau of Records
2900 Apalachee Parkway, MS 52
Tallahassee, FL 32300
The process can take up to two weeks.